(352) 591-1497

Encouragement-Spirituality-Togetherness-Equality towards Excellency in Manhood
Dear Brothers,
We, as men, are the crowning of all that God has created, for He created us in His likeness and His image. He gave us the authority to lead and manage all that He has given us... all to His praise and glory.
The fall of man in the Garden of Eden disrupted us... causing us to fail and to fall short of God's purpose...in us and..for us.
God, in His love for man...sent His Son, the Man, Christ Jesus... who as a man, faithfully fulfilled God's purpose for the man on earth... therefore making it possible that we, as men, could once again live in a purposeful life...in and of ourselves..our marriages..as parents and as members of society...all to the glory of God.
The purpose of E.S.T.E.E.M...is for the coming together of men...to forge a bond of brotherhood...to discuss the common issues that all men face...to find strength and encouragement to face those issues...for the betterment and good of all that concerns us as men.
Brothers, let us come together...let us together become the man...and the men that God has called us to be.
May the Lord's blessings be upon all... in Jesus' Name.
Pastor Edward Taylor Sr.
We will hold an E.S.T.E.E.M. meeting every third (3rd) Friday of every month in the fellowship hall @ New Day Holiness Church.
3790 NW 155th St. Reddick, Fl.
Due to restrictions, E.S.T.E.E.M. will canceled until further notice